Administrator Access Control

Administrators have control over who sees what and how they see it.
Imagine that you have interns that assist you in your events and you don't want them to see everything - it might confuse them! No problem. EVM Live lets you configure viewers to see only what they need to see.
Viewers can be set to see only a single event on a single date if that's what you want. Or...they can see a specific collection of events. If you have events that you have added that use a single title: "Training Seminar" for example, then your viewer can be configured to only see events that are of the type "Training Seminar". Of course maybe you want to allow them to access all of your events and that is ok too. You decide!
When a viewer enters an event you can select which panels they can see. So if "Teacher Info" in your "Training Seminar" events is not relevant to a particular type of viewer, you can simply cut that panel off. Easy enough. Once again - you decide!
You can find out more about EVM viewers by watching our EVM Help Videos.
Administrators, or "Admin users" enter EVM Live by way of a completely different and separate permission system. This means your data is not going to be accidentally edited by a viewer. Admin users do the data entry of your events and have access to a wide range of editing tools dependant upon different types of data. You can even set it up so an Admin user with a certain role can only edit a panel that they specifically need to. You can find out more about EVM Admin users by viewing our EVM Admin Help videos (available to customers upon subscription to EVM Live).